Memorial Fund
A Memorial Fund is a type of donor advised fund established in memory of a loved one. Donations made to the fund are used to support causes close to the deceased's heart, perpetuating their legacy through positive impact.
Here are some key aspects of a memorial fund:
Honor the life and memory of a loved one.
Support causes aligned with their passions and values.
Provide financial assistance to families in need.
Create a lasting legacy that continues to impact your community.
How it works:
Name the Memorial Fund after your loved one.
Donations are collected from friends, family, and the community.
Start a fund with $1,000 and make contributions over time to help you reach $10,000.
Begin supporting specific charitable causes or initiatives when the fund’s size reaches $10,000 or more.
Emotional healing - Creating a memorial fund can provide a sense of purpose and help with the grieving process.
Community impact - The fund can make a positive difference in the community by supporting important causes.
Legacy building - The fund ensures that the memory of the loved one lives on and continues to inspire others.
By establishing a memorial fund, you can honor the life of a loved one while making a lasting impact in your community.
We offer our deepest condolences and would be honoured to help you preserve your loved one’s legacy.