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Our Team



Back left to right - Past Director - Alex Peterson, Past Director - Gilles Leger,

Antoon Houben, Stephanie Sollows

Front left to right - Cheryl Thomas, Kathy Dunn, Past Director - Lisa Leger,

Sandy Wetterstrom, Louise Lodge

Missing - Kawiria Creed, Marie Downing



Chair - Louise Lodge (Fund Development and Leadership Committee)

Vice Chair - Antoon Houben (Fund Development and Leadership Committee)

Secretary - Kathy Dunn (Grant Committee)

Treasurer - Cheryl Thomas (Fund Development and Grant Committee)


Sandy Wetterstrom (Grant Committee)

Stephanie Sollows (Information and Marketing Committee)

Kawiria Creed (Information and Marketing Committee)

Marie Downing (information and Marketing Committee)


Louise Lodge


Louise has been a Director with the North Thompson Community Foundation since 2018. She grew up in Barriere and then moved to Vancouver to attend UBC. In 2016 Louise moved back to the valley and became an active member of the community volunteering as a coach at the high school, Director in the Barriere Outdoor Club, Barriere District Councillor  and Vice Chair of the North Thompson Community Foundation.


Sandy Wetterstrom


Sandy has been a Director with the North Thompson Communities Foundation since moving to Clearwater in 2013. Serving as the coordinator of the Grant Committee she works with members of the team to review applications for Spring Grants and Bursaries.


Sandy's background is in Adult Literacy and Food Security. She initiated the BCAFM Coupon and Nutrition Program in 2014 at the Clearwater Farmers Market and recently stepped away as the Coordinator after 3 years in the north in Houston and 9 years in Clearwater. 


Antoon Houbin

Vice Chair

Antoon spent his career working in the Information Technology field as a programmer, systems analyst, software architect and eventually as Vice President and CIO at a US Public Corporation. Now retired and living in Barriere. Seven years at the Barriere and District Food Bank, serving at NTVIC, Barriere Lions and tutoring through Partner Assisted Learning.

Stephanie Sollows



Kathy Dunnn


Kathy has been a member of the NTCF since 2022. Born and raised in Louis Creek, she has been involved in many volunteer organizations in the area for most of her adult life. Choosing to be a stay-at-home mom enabled her to be able to regularly volunteer at the area schools, she coached Minor Ball, has been on the board of the Barriere Recreation Society, and the North Thompson Volunteer


Cheryl Thomas


Cheryl was one of the original ‘founders’ of the NT Communities Foundation and has stepped on and off the Board over the years. Currently she is a director, sitting in the position of Treasurer.


Kawiria Creed


A resident of Clearwater since 2017, Kawiria is passionate about community events. She is Recreation, Culture, & Events Assistant within the District of Clearwater, and volunteers with several local non-profit organizations. She values accessibility, cultural diversity, and inclusion, and in her spare time, is absolutely terrible at keeping any plant alive.

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